Home > Uncategorized > Smokey Robinson's advice to entertainers.

Smokey Robinson's advice to entertainers.

Smokey Robinson’s keynote at the SXSW conference and festival was simple and profound. I believe what he said applies to entrepreneurs as well especially to those that are struggling or those that have experienced some success. His advice to entertainers was:

1. Have a thick skin. Don’t only see the success stories in others. Realize there are hills and valley. The valleys are lessons you can learn from and you get to look forward to the next peak. Be thankful and count your blessings.

2. Keep your feet on the ground.  Don’t take yourself too seriously or think the world needs you. It doesn’t!

Smokey Robinson grew up in the ghettos and had always dreamed of being in the show business. Although he has done this for over 50 years, he still experiences the ups and downs. He is that optimist that always sees the glass as half full.

I agree with him neither success or failure are permanent, it is merely a location you are passing through in life.  You do not get to live there. Sometimes they are merely detours (especially when you are going through difficulties).

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